Elevation Profile and LOS

A: Lat,Lng Height  (m)
B: Lat,Lng Height  (m)
Height obstacle: (m) such as tree, building,...
Azimuth (°deg)  A ➪ B :   B ➪ A:
Dist A ⇔ B: Km
* Tips: Right Click on map to get Lat/Lng   
Elevation Profile will show after Path Profile is created

Path Profile of Site A to Site B

In telecommunication, a path profile is a graphic representation of the physical features of a propagation path in the vertical plane containing both endpoints of the path, showing the surface of the Earth and including trees, buildings, and other features that may obstruct the radio signal. Profiles are drawn either with an effective Earth radius simulated by a parabolic arc--in which case the ray paths are drawn as straight lines--or with a "flat Earth"-- in which case the ray paths are drawn as parabolic arcs.

Path Profiles using Google Maps

Google maps can display the path terrain between two points which could be useful for Microwave and SOTA amateur radio enthusiasts